TENOR (Transcriptome ENcyclopedia Of Rice) in RAP-DB

We have published TENOR (Transcriptome ENcyclopedia Of Rice) database for providing gene expression profiles and transcriptional activity on the rice genome at the nucleotide level based on the RNA-Seq data under 140 environmental stresses and plant hormone treated conditions (Kawahara Y. et. al. 2016). Six years have passed since its release, numerous RNA-Seq data have been accumulated in the public database. To provide more comprehensive transcriptome information on the rice genome, we obtained publicly available RNA-Seq data, curated meta-information (sampling, experimental, sequencing conditions) for each sample, and analyzed them using the standardized analysis pipeline. Currently, gene expression profiles and transcriptional activities under 565 different experimental conditions and tissues are provided in the "Expression (TENOR)" section of each transcript annotation page (e.g. Os01t0911700-01) and JBrowse, respectively. The meta-information of the samples and the details of the analysis pipeline are as below.

Reference data

  • Genome sequences [FASTA]
    • IRGSP-1.0 genome (including organella and unanchored contig sequences)
  • Gene annotation for StringTie in GTF (as of 11 Nov 2021)
    • RAP-DB representative genes[GTF]
    • RAP-DB predicted genes[GTF]
  • Analysis tools

    • Java (JDK 1.8.0_191)
    • Trimmomatic (v0.39)
    • HISAT2 (v2.2.1)
    • StringTie(v2.1.6)
    • SamTools (v1.13)
    • BAMscale (v1.0)

    Commands and parameters used in the workflow

    1. Preprocessing of Illumina paired-end reads
    2.     $ java -jar trimmomatic-0.39.jar PE \
          -phred33 read.r1.fastq.gz read.r2.fastq.gz \
          read.pe.r1.fastq.gz read.se.r1.fastq.gz read.pe.r2.fastq.gz read.se.r2.fastq.gz \
          ILLUMINACLIP:adapters.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:15 TRAILING:15 SLIDINGWINDOW:10:15 MINLEN:30
    3. Making index of the genome
    4.     # concatenate GTF files of RAP-DB Rep. and Pred. genes
          $ cat IRGSP-1.0_representative_transcript_exon_2021-11-11.gtf \
          IRGSP-1.0_predicted_transcript_exon_2021-11-11.gtf \
          > all_transcripts_exon.gtf
          # make splice site data
          $ python extract_splice_sites.py all_transcripts_exon.gtf > ss.tab
          # make exon position data
          $ python extract_exons.py all_transcripts_exon.gtf > exon.tab
          # make index for hisat2
          $ hisat2-build --ss ss.tab --exon exon.tab \
          IRGSP-1.0_genome_M_C_unanchored.fa IRGSP-1.0_genome_M_C_unanchored
    5. Alignment of Illumina reads to the reference genome
    6.     $ hisat2 -x IRGSP-1.0_genome_M_C_unanchored \
          --summary-file rnaseq_summary.stats --min-intronlen 20 --max-intronlen 10000 \
          --dta --new-summary -1 read.pe.r1.fastq.gz -2 read.pe.r2.fastq.gz -S alignment.sam
          $ samtools sort -o alignment.sort.bam alignment.sam
          $ samtools index alignment.sort.bam
    7. Calculate gene abundance (TPM)
    8.     $ stringtie alignment.sort.bam -e -B \
          -G all_transcripts_exon.gtf \
          -o sample/sample.gtf -A rnaseq_abundance_sample.stats

      To get gene expression levels of each transcript and sample, TPM values were extracted from GTF files (sample.gtf) output by StringTie.

    9. Making BigWig data for JBrowse
    10.     # for standard RNA-Seq data
          BAMscale scale --operation rna --bam ./alignment.sort.bam
          # for strand-specific RNA-Seq data
          BAMscale scale --operation strandrna --bam ./alignment.sort.bam

      Meta-information of RNA-Seq samples in TENOR of RAP-DB

      Dataset Experiment Sample name Plant Ontology Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology Reference DOI Library type Read type Read length
      mRNA-Seq under salinity stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000193 shoot; control for salinity stress shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Mizuno H et al. 2010 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-683 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 36
      mRNA-Seq under salinity stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000194 shoot; 1 hour under salinity stress shoot system (PO:0009006) sodium chloride exposure (PECO:0007048), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Mizuno H et al. 2010 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-683 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 36
      mRNA-Seq under salinity stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000191 root; control for salinity stress root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Mizuno H et al. 2010 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-683 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 36
      mRNA-Seq under salinity stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000192 root; 1 hour under salinity stress root (PO:0009005) sodium chloride exposure (PECO:0007048), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Mizuno H et al. 2010 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-683 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 36
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000461 shoot; control for phosphate treatment shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000462 shoot; 1 day under phosphate starvation shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000463 shoot; 5 days under phosphate starvation shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000471 shoot; 10 days under phosphate starvation shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000467 shoot; 1 day under high phosphate condition shoot system (PO:0009006) phosphate exposure (PECO:0001006), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000468 shoot; 5 days under high phosphate condition shoot system (PO:0009006) phosphate exposure (PECO:0001006), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000472 shoot; 10 days under high phosphate condition shoot system (PO:0009006) phosphate exposure (PECO:0001006), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000464 root; control for phosphate treatment root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000459 root; 1 day under phosphate starvation root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000460 root; 5 days under phosphate starvation root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000469 root; 10 days under phosphate starvation root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000473 root; 1 day recovery after 10 days of phosphate starvation root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000465 root; 1 day under high phosphate condition root (PO:0009005) phosphate exposure (PECO:0001006), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000466 root; 5 days under high phosphate condition root (PO:0009005) phosphate exposure (PECO:0001006), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000470 root; 10 days under high phosphate condition root (PO:0009005) phosphate exposure (PECO:0001006), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX000474 root; 1 day recovery after 10 days of high phosphate treatment root (PO:0009005) phosphate exposure (PECO:0001006), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2011 Rice DOI: 10.1007/s12284-011-9064-0 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002027 shoot; control for Pi starvation (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002028 shoot; control for Pi starvation (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002029 shoot; control for Pi starvation (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002030 shoot; 22 days under Pi starvation (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002031 shoot; 22 days under Pi starvation (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002032 shoot; 22 days under Pi starvation (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002019 root; control for Pi starvation (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002020 root; control for Pi starvation (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002021 root; control for Pi starvation (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002022 root; control for Pi starvation (rep. 4) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002023 root; 22 days under Pi starvation (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002024 root; 22 days under Pi starvation (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002025 root; 22 days under Pi starvation (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under phosphate stress conditions (TENOR) DRX002026 root; 22 days under Pi starvation (rep. 4) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2013 Plant Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/s11103-013-0106-4 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012214 shoot; control for high cadmium stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012215 shoot; control for high cadmium stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012223 shoot; control for high cadmium stress (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012216 shoot; 1 hour under high cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012217 shoot; 1 hour under high cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012224 shoot; 1 hour after high cadmium stress (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012218 shoot; 24 hours under high cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012219 shoot; 24 hours under high cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012225 shoot; 24 hours under high cadmium condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012208 root; control for high cadmium stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012209 root; control for high cadmium stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012220 root; control for high cadmium stress (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012210 root; 1 hour after high cadmium stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012211 root; 1 hour after high cadmium stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012221 root; 1 hour after high cadmium stress (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012212 root; 24 hours after high cadmium stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012213 root; 24 hours after high cadmium stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX012222 root; 24 hours after high cadmium stress (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Oono et al. 2014 PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096946 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005735 shoot; control for very low and low cadmium stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005736 shoot; control for very low and low cadmium stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005737 shoot; control for very low and low cadmium stress (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005744 shoot; 1 day under very low cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005745 shoot; 1 day under very low cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005746 shoot; 4 days under very low cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005747 shoot; 4 days under very low cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005748 shoot; 10 days under very low cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005749 shoot; 10 days under very low cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005738 shoot; 1 day under low cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005739 shoot; 1 day under low cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005740 shoot; 4 days under low cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005741 shoot; 4 days under low cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005742 shoot; 10 days under low cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005743 shoot; 10 days under low cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120121 shoot; 12 hours under high cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120122 shoot; 12 hours under high cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120123 shoot; 5 days under high cadmium condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120124 shoot; 5 days under high cadmium condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120125 shoot; 5 days under high cadmium condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005750 root; control for cadmium condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005751 root; control for cadmium condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005752 root; control for cadmium condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005759 root; 1 day under very low cadmium condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005760 root; 1 day under very low cadmium condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005761 root; 4 days under very low cadmium condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005762 root; 4 days under very low cadmium condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005763 root; 10 days under very low cadmium condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005764 root; 10 days under very low cadmium condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005753 root; 1 day under low cadmium condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005754 root; 1 day under low cadmium condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005755 root; 4 days under low cadmium condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005756 root; 4 days under low cadmium condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005757 root; 10 days under low cadmium condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005758 root; 10 days under low cadmium condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120126 root; 12 hours under high cadmium condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120127 root; 12 hours under high cadmium condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120128 root; 12 hours under high cadmium condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120129 root; 5 days under high cadmium condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cadmium stress conditions (TENOR) DRX120130 root; 5 days under high cadmium condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cadmium exposure (PECO:0001018), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005765 shoot; control for cold, flood and osmotic stresses (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005766 shoot; control for cold, flood and osmotic stresses (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005767 shoot; control for cold, flood and osmotic stresses (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005771 shoot; 1 hour under cold stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005772 shoot; 1 hour under cold stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005773 shoot; 3 hours under cold stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005774 shoot; 3 hours under cold stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005775 shoot; 6 hours under cold stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005776 shoot; 6 hours under cold stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005777 shoot; 12 hours under cold stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005778 shoot; 12 hours under cold stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005779 shoot; 1 day under cold stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005780 shoot; 1 day under cold stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005791 shoot; 1 hour under flood stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005792 shoot; 1 hour under flood stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005793 shoot; 3 hours under flood stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005794 shoot; 3 hours under flood stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005795 shoot; 6 hours under flood stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005796 shoot; 6 hours under flood stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005797 shoot; 12 hours under flood stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005798 shoot; 12 hours under flood stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005799 shoot; 1 day under flood stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005800 shoot; 1 day under flood stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005801 shoot; 1 day under flood stress (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005802 shoot; 3 days under flood stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005803 shoot; 3 days under flood stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005816 shoot; 1 hour under osmotic stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005817 shoot; 1 hour under osmotic stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005818 shoot; 3 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005819 shoot; 3 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005820 shoot; 6 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005821 shoot; 6 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005822 shoot; 12 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005823 shoot; 12 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005768 root; control for cold, flood and osmotic stresses (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005769 root; control for cold, flood and osmotic stresses (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005770 root; control for cold, flood and osmotic stresses (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005781 root; 1 hour under cold stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005782 root; 1 hour under cold stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005783 root; 3 hours under cold stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005784 root; 3 hours under cold stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005785 root; 6 hours under cold stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005786 root; 6 hours under cold stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005787 root; 12 hours under cold stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005788 root; 12 hours under cold stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005789 root; 1 day under cold stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005790 root; 1 day under cold stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) cold air temperature exposure (PECO:0007332), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005804 root; 1 hour under flood stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005805 root; 1 hour under flood stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005806 root; 3 hours under flood stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005807 root; 3 hours under flood stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005808 root; 6 hours under flood stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005809 root; 6 hours under flood stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005810 root; 12 hours under flood stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005811 root; 12 hours under flood stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005812 root; 1 day under flood stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005813 root; 1 day under flood stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005814 root; 3 days under flood stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005815 root; 3 days under flood stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) flood water exposure (PECO:0007172), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005824 root; 1 hour under osmotic stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005825 root; 1 hour under osmotic stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005826 root; 3 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005827 root; 3 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005828 root; 6 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005829 root; 6 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005830 root; 12 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under cold, flood and osmotic stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005831 root; 12 hours under osmotic stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) osmotic stress exposure (PECO:0001038), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005832 shoot; control for drought stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005833 shoot; control for drought stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005834 shoot; 1 hour under drought stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005835 shoot; 1 hour under drought stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005836 shoot; 3 hours under drought stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005837 shoot; 3 hours under drought stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005838 shoot; 3 hours under drought stress (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005839 shoot; 6 hours under drought stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005840 shoot; 6 hours under drought stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005841 shoot; 12 hours under drought stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005842 shoot; 12 hours under drought stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005843 shoot; 12 hours under drought stress (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005844 shoot; 1 day under drought stress (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005845 shoot; 1 day under drought stress (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005846 root; control for drought stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005847 root; control for drought stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005848 root; 1 hour under drought stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005849 root; 1 hour under drought stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005850 root; 3 hours under drought stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005851 root; 3 hours under drought stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005852 root; 6 hours under drought stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005853 root; 6 hours under drought stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005854 root; 12 hours under drought stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005855 root; 12 hours under drought stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005856 root; 1 day under drought stress (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under drought stress conditions (TENOR) DRX005857 root; 1 day under drought stress (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) drought environment exposure (PECO:0007404), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005858 shoot; control for JA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005859 shoot; control for JA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005860 shoot; 1 hour under JA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005861 shoot; 1 hour under JA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005862 shoot; 3 hours under JA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005863 shoot; 3 hours under JA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005864 shoot; 6 hours under JA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005865 shoot; 6 hours under JA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005866 shoot; 12 hours under JA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005867 shoot; 12 hours under JA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005868 shoot; 1 day under JA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005869 shoot; 1 day under JA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005870 root; control for JA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005871 root; control for JA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005872 root; 1 hour under JA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005873 root; 1 hour under JA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005874 root; 3 hours under JA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005875 root; 3 hours under JA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005876 root; 6 hours under JA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005877 root; 6 hours under JA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005878 root; 12 hours under JA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005879 root; 12 hours under JA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005880 root; 1 day under JA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under JA treatment (TENOR) DRX005881 root; 1 day under JA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) jasmonic acid exposure (PECO:0007080), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005882 shoot; control for ABA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005883 shoot; control for ABA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005884 shoot; 1 hour under ABA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005885 shoot; 1 hour under ABA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005886 shoot; 3 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005887 shoot; 3 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005888 shoot; 6 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005889 shoot; 6 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005890 shoot; 12 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005891 shoot; 12 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005892 shoot; 1 day under ABA treatment (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005893 shoot; 1 day under ABA treatment (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005894 root; control for ABA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005895 root; control for ABA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005896 root; 1 hour under ABA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005897 root; 1 hour under ABA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005898 root; 3 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005899 root; 3 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005900 root; 6 hours underABA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005901 root; 6 hours underABA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005902 root; 12 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005903 root; 12 hours under ABA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005904 root; 1 day under ABA treatment (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under ABA treatment (TENOR) DRX005905 root; 1 day under ABA treatment (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005906 shoot; 0 hour under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005907 shoot; 0 hour under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005908 shoot; 1 hour under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005909 shoot; 1 hour under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005910 shoot; 3 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005911 shoot; 3 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005912 shoot; 6 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005913 shoot; 6 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005914 shoot; 12 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005915 shoot; 12 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005916 shoot; 1 day under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005917 shoot; 1 day under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005918 shoot; 3 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005919 shoot; 3 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005920 shoot; 4 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005921 shoot; 4 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005922 shoot; 5 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005923 shoot; 5 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005924 shoot; 10 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005925 shoot; 10 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005926 root; 0 hour under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005927 root; 0 hour under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005928 root; 1 hour under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005929 root; 1 hour under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005930 root; 3 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005931 root; 3 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005932 root; 6 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005933 root; 6 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005934 root; 12 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005935 root; 12 hours under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005936 root; 1 day under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005937 root; 1 day under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005938 root; 3 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005939 root; 3 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005940 root; 4 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005941 root; 4 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005942 root; 5 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005943 root; 5 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005944 root; 10 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq under no treatment (control data in TENOR) DRX005945 root; 10 days under no treatment (control data in TENOR) (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2016 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcv179 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Magnaporthe oryzae strains) DRX001420 leaf; control leaf (PO:0025034) , growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2012 PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049423 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Magnaporthe oryzae strains) DRX001418 leaf; 24 hours after inoculation with the compatible blast fungus strain (Ina86-137) leaf (PO:0025034) Magnaporthe spp. exposure (PECO:0007135), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2012 PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049423 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Magnaporthe oryzae strains) DRX001419 leaf; 24 hours after inoculation with the imcompatible blast fungus strain (P91-15B) leaf (PO:0025034) Magnaporthe spp. exposure (PECO:0007135), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kawahara et al. 2012 PLoS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049423 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000672 shoot; 7 days after germination (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000673 shoot; 7 days after germination (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000668 root; 7 days after germination (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000669 root; 7 days after germination (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000662 leaf; 7 days before heading to 7 days after flowering (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) field study (PECO:0007256) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000663 leaf; 7 days before heading to 7 days after flowering (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) field study (PECO:0007256) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000664 panicle; before flowering (rep. 1) panicle inflorescence (PO:0030123) field study (PECO:0007256) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000665 panicle; before flowering (rep. 2) panicle inflorescence (PO:0030123) field study (PECO:0007256) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000666 panicle; after flowering (rep. 1) panicle inflorescence (PO:0030123) field study (PECO:0007256) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000667 panicle; after flowering (rep. 2) panicle inflorescence (PO:0030123) field study (PECO:0007256) Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000670 seed (rep. 1) seed (PO:0009010) - Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000671 seed (rep. 2) seed (PO:0009010) - Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000660 callus (rep. 1) plant callus (PO:0005052) - Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 51
      mRNA-Seq (7 tissues, such as leaf, root, panicle, callus, etc.) DRX000661 callus (rep. 2) plant callus (PO:0005052) - Sakai H et al. 2011 Genome Biol Evol. DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evr111 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335975 shoot; 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335976 shoot; 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335977 shoot; 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335978 shoot; 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335979 shoot; 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335980 shoot; 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336026 shoot; 6 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336027 shoot; 6 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336028 shoot; 6 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336029 shoot; 6 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336030 shoot; 6 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336031 shoot; 6 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336014 shoot; 24 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336015 shoot; 24 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336016 shoot; 24 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336017 shoot; 24 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336018 shoot; 24 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336019 shoot; 24 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336020 shoot; 3 days under +Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336021 shoot; 3 days under +Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336022 shoot; 3 days under +Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336023 shoot; 3 days under -Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336024 shoot; 3 days under -Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336025 shoot; 3 days under -Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336032 shoot; 7 days under +Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336033 shoot; 7 days under +Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336034 shoot; 7 days under +Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336035 shoot; 7 days under -Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336036 shoot; 7 days under -Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336037 shoot; 7 days under -Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336008 shoot; 21 days under +Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336009 shoot; 21 days under +Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336010 shoot; 21 days under +Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336011 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336012 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336013 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335981 shoot; 21 days and 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335982 shoot; 21 days and 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335983 shoot; 21 days and 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335984 shoot; 21 days and 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335985 shoot; 21 days and 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335986 shoot; 21 days and 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335987 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition and 1 hour after Pi resupply (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335988 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition and 1 hour after Pi resupply (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335989 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition and 1 hour after Pi resupply (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335999 shoot; 21 days and 6 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336000 shoot; 21 days and 6 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336001 shoot; 21 days and 6 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336002 shoot; 21 days and 6 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336003 shoot; 21 days and 6 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336004 shoot; 21 days and 6 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336005 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition and 6 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336006 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition and 6 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX336007 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition and 6 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335990 shoot; 21 days and 24 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335991 shoot; 21 days and 24 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335992 shoot; 21 days and 24 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335993 shoot; 21 days and 24 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335994 shoot; 21 days and 24 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335995 shoot; 21 days and 24 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335996 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition and 24 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335997 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition and 24 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335998 shoot; 21 days under -Pi condition and 24 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335912 root; 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335913 root; 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335914 root; 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335915 root; 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335916 root; 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335917 root; 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335963 root; 6 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335964 root; 6 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335965 root; 6 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335966 root; 6 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335967 root; 6 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335968 root; 6 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335951 root; 24 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335952 root; 24 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335953 root; 24 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335954 root; 24 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335955 root; 24 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335956 root; 24 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335957 root; 3 days under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335958 root; 3 days under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335959 root; 3 days under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335960 root; 3 days under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335961 root; 3 days under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335962 root; 3 days under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335969 root; 7 days under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335970 root; 7 days under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335971 root; 7 days under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335972 root; 7 days under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335973 root; 7 days under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335974 root; 7 days under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335945 root; 21 days under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335946 root; 21 days under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335947 root; 21 days under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335948 root; 21 days under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335949 root; 21 days under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335950 root; 21 days under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335918 root; 21 days and 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335919 root; 21 days and 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335920 root; 21 days and 1 hour under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335921 root; 21 days and 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335922 root; 21 days and 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335923 root; 21 days and 1 hour under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335924 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 1 hour after Pi resupply (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335925 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 1 hour after Pi resupply (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335926 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 1 hour after Pi resupply (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335936 root; 21 days and 6 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335937 root; 21 days and 6 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335938 root; 21 days and 6 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335939 root; 21 days and 6 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335940 root; 21 days and 6 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335941 root; 21 days and 6 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335942 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 6 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335943 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 6 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335944 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 6 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335927 root; 21 days and 24 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335928 root; 21 days and 24 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335929 root; 21 days and 24 hours under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335930 root; 21 days and 24 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335931 root; 21 days and 24 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335932 root; 21 days and 24 hours under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335933 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 24 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335934 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 24 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery SRX335935 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 24 hours after Pi resupply (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2013 Plant Cell DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.117325 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      mRNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX374431 root; 24 days under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 96
      mRNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX374432 root; 24 days under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 96
      mRNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX374433 root; 24 days under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 96
      mRNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX374437 root; 24 days under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 96
      mRNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX374438 root; 24 days under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 96
      mRNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX374439 root; 24 days under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 96
      mRNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX374434 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 3 days after Pi resupply (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 96
      mRNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX374435 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 3 days after Pi resupply (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 96
      mRNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX374436 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 3 days after Pi resupply (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 96
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX1122020 root; 21 days under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 121
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX1122021 root; 21 days under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 121
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX1122022 root; 21 days under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 121
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX1122023 root; 21 days under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 121
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX1122024 root; 21 days under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 121
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX1122025 root; 21 days under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 121
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX670649 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 31 days after Pi resupply (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX670650 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 31 days after Pi resupply (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX670651 root; 21 days under -Pi condition and 31 days after Pi resupply (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX670646 root; 52 days under +Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX670647 root; 52 days under +Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX670648 root; 52 days under +Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX670643 root; 52 days under -Pi condition (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX670644 root; 52 days under -Pi condition (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      Total RNA-Seq (root under phosphate starvation and recovery conditions) SRX670645 root; 52 days under -Pi condition (rep. 3) root (PO:0009005) limited phosphate exposure (PECO:0001046), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Secco et al. 2015 Elife. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.09343 Total RNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      Total RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507811 flower bud; before flowering flower bud (PO:0000056) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Total RNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Total RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507812 flower; at the flowering day flower (PO:0009046) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Total RNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Total RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507813 flag leaf; before flowering flag leaf (PO:0020103) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Total RNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Total RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507814 flag leaf; after flowering flag leaf (PO:0020103) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Total RNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Total RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507815 root; before flowering root (PO:0009005) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Total RNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Total RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507816 root; after flowering root (PO:0009005) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Total RNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Total RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507817 milk grain whole plant fruit formation stage (PO:0007042) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Total RNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Total RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507818 mature seed seed (PO:0009010) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Total RNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507920 flower bud; before flowering flower bud (PO:0000056) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Strand-specific RNA-seq SINGLE 101
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507921 flower; at the flowering day flower (PO:0009046) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Strand-specific RNA-seq SINGLE 101
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507922 flag leaf; before flowering flag leaf (PO:0020103) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Strand-specific RNA-seq SINGLE 101
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507923 flag leaf; after flowering flag leaf (PO:0020103) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Strand-specific RNA-seq SINGLE 101
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507924 root; before flowering root (PO:0009005) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Strand-specific RNA-seq SINGLE 101
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507925 root; after flowering root (PO:0009005) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Strand-specific RNA-seq SINGLE 101
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507926 milk grain whole plant fruit formation stage (PO:0007042) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Strand-specific RNA-seq SINGLE 101
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (8 tissues, such as flower, leaf, root, seed, etc.) SRX507927 mature seed seed (PO:0009010) greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Wang et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.13018 Strand-specific RNA-seq SINGLE 101
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (shoot, seed, snther, pistil) SRX738077 shoot; 14 days after germination shoot system (PO:0009006) Zhang YC et al. 2014 Genome Biol. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-014-0512-1 Strand-specific RNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (shoot, seed, snther, pistil) SRX738076 seed; 5 days after pollination seed (PO:0009010) Zhang YC et al. 2014 Genome Biol. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-014-0512-1 Strand-specific RNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (shoot, seed, snther, pistil) SRX738069 anther; before flowering anther (PO:0009066) Zhang YC et al. 2014 Genome Biol. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-014-0512-1 Strand-specific RNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      Strand-specific RNA-Seq (shoot, seed, snther, pistil) SRX738075 pistil; before flowering gynoecium (PO:0009062) Zhang YC et al. 2014 Genome Biol. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-014-0512-1 Strand-specific RNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100741 leaf; 20 days after sawing (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 40
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100757 leaf; 20 days after sawing (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 35
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100743 whole inflorescence; at the time of flower emergence inflorescence (PO:0009049) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 40
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100745 primordial inflorescence; 10 days before flower emergence floral organ primordium (PO:0025477) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 35
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100746 anther; at the time of flowering anther (PO:0009066) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 35
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100747 pistill; at the time of flowering gynoecium (PO:0009062) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 35
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100749 seed; 5 days after pollination seed (PO:0009010) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 35
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100753 embryo; 25 days after pollination embryo plant cell (PO:0025028) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 35
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100754 endosperm; 25 days after pollination (rep. 1) endosperm (PO:0009089) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 35
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100755 seed; 10 days after pollination seed (PO:0009010) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 35
      mRNA-Seq (9 tissues, such as leaf, flower, anther, pstill, etc) SRX100756 endosperm; 25 days after pollination (rep. 2) endosperm (PO:0009089) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Davidson RM et al. 2012 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.05005.x mRNA-Seq SINGLE 35
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081722 root; 14 days after germination (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081723 root; 14 days after germination (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081724 root; 18 days after germination (rep. 1) root (PO:0009005) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081725 root; 18 days after germination (rep. 2) root (PO:0009005) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081716 root; tip 14 days after germination (rep. 1) root tip (PO:0000025) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081717 root; tip 14 days after germination (rep. 2) root tip (PO:0000025) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081718 root; tip 14 days after germination (rep. 3) root tip (PO:0000025) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081719 root; tip 18 days after germination (rep. 1) root tip (PO:0000025) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081720 root; tip 18 days after germination (rep. 2) root tip (PO:0000025) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      mRNA-Seq (root and root tips in early development) SRX081721 root; tip 18 days after germination (rep. 3) root tip (PO:0000025) hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Kyndt et al. 2012 J Exp Bot. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/err435 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 76
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934280 shoot; control without N starvation shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934262 shoot; 0 day under N starvation shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101 (variable)
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934263 shoot; 1 day under N starvation shoot system (PO:0009006) limited nitrate exposure (PECO:0001054), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101 (variable)
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934264 shoot; 3 days under N starvation shoot system (PO:0009006) limited nitrate exposure (PECO:0001054), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934265 shoot; 5 days under N starvation shoot system (PO:0009006) limited nitrate exposure (PECO:0001054), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101 (variable)
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934266 shoot; 7 days under N starvation shoot system (PO:0009006) limited nitrate exposure (PECO:0001054), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101 (variable)
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934279 root; control without N starvation root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934257 root; 0 day under N starvation root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934258 root; 1 day under N starvation root (PO:0009005) limited nitrate exposure (PECO:0001054), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934259 root; 3 days under N starvation root (PO:0009005) limited nitrate exposure (PECO:0001054), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934260 root; 5 days under N starvation root (PO:0009005) limited nitrate exposure (PECO:0001054), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      Strand-specific mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under nitrogen starvation) SRX2934261 root; 7 days under N starvation root (PO:0009005) limited nitrate exposure (PECO:0001054), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Shin et al. 2018 BMC Genomics DOI: 10.1186/s12864-018-4897-1 Strand-specific mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      mRNA-Seq (egg, sperm, zygote) DRX157014 egg; before flowering (rep. 1) plant egg cell (PO:0020094) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Rahman et al. 2019 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz030 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      mRNA-Seq (egg, sperm, zygote) DRX157015 egg; before flowering (rep. 2) plant egg cell (PO:0020094) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Rahman et al. 2019 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz030 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      mRNA-Seq (egg, sperm, zygote) DRX157016 egg; before flowering (rep. 3) plant egg cell (PO:0020094) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Rahman et al. 2019 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz030 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      mRNA-Seq (egg, sperm, zygote) DRX157017 zygote; 4 hours after gamete fusion (rep. 1) plant zygote (PO:0000423) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Rahman et al. 2019 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz030 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      mRNA-Seq (egg, sperm, zygote) DRX157018 zygote; 4 hours after gamete fusion (rep. 2) plant zygote (PO:0000423) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Rahman et al. 2019 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz030 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      mRNA-Seq (egg, sperm, zygote) DRX157023 sperm; before flowering (rep. 1) plant sperm cell (PO:0000084) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Rahman et al. 2019 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz030 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      mRNA-Seq (egg, sperm, zygote) DRX157024 sperm; before flowering (rep. 2) plant sperm cell (PO:0000084) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Rahman et al. 2019 Plant Cell Physiol. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz030 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf) SRX5059076 leaf (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) control exposure (PECO:0001062), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Yang et al. 2019 BMC Plant Biol DOI: 10.1186/s12870-019-1872-1 mRNA-Seq " PAIRED"
      mRNA-Seq (leaf) SRX5059077 leaf (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) control exposure (PECO:0001062), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Yang et al. 2019 BMC Plant Biol DOI: 10.1186/s12870-019-1872-1 mRNA-Seq " PAIRED"
      mRNA-Seq (leaf) SRX5059078 leaf (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) control exposure (PECO:0001062), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248), hydroponic plant culture media exposure (PECO:0007067) Yang et al. 2019 BMC Plant Biol DOI: 10.1186/s12870-019-1872-1 mRNA-Seq " PAIRED"
      mRNA-Seq (culm tissue containing shoot apical meristem) SRX737138 culm tissue containing shoot apical meristem (rep. 1) shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148), stem (PO:0009047) Song et al. 2015 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1421127112 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 63
      mRNA-Seq (culm tissue containing shoot apical meristem) SRX737139 culm tissue containing shoot apical meristem (rep. 2) shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148), stem (PO:0009047) Song et al. 2015 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1421127112 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 36, 63, 63
      mRNA-Seq (shoot) SRX3383801 shoot; 14 days after germination (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Li et al. 2018 J Integr Plant Biol. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12603 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      mRNA-Seq (shoot) SRX3383800 shoot; 14 days after germination (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Li et al. 2018 J Integr Plant Biol. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12603 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 101
      mRNA-Seq (aleurone) SRX330497 aleurone; control, 4 hours under mock treatment aleurone layer (PO:0005360) control exposure (PECO:0001062) Watanabe et al. 2014 Genomics. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2013.10.007 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 50
      mRNA-Seq (aleurone) SRX332134 aleurone; 4 hours under ABA treatment aleurone layer (PO:0005360) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105) Watanabe et al. 2014 Genomics. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2013.10.007 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 50
      mRNA-Seq (aleurone) SRX332135 aleurone; 4 hours under GA treatment aleurone layer (PO:0005360) gibberellic acid exposure (PECO:0007069) Watanabe et al. 2014 Genomics. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2013.10.007 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 50
      mRNA-Seq (aleurone) SRX332136 aleurone; 4 hours under ABA and GA treatment aleurone layer (PO:0005360) abscisic acid exposure (PECO:0007105), gibberellic acid exposure (PECO:0007069) Watanabe et al. 2014 Genomics. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2013.10.007 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 50
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978730 leaf; control, 48 hours after mock-inoculation (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) control exposure (PECO:0001062), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978731 leaf; control, 48 hours after mock-inoculation (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) control exposure (PECO:0001062), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978732 leaf; control, 48 hours after mock-inoculation (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) control exposure (PECO:0001062), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978700 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with BLS256 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978701 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with BLS256 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978702 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with BLS256 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978703 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with BLS279 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978704 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with BLS279 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978705 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with BLS279 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978706 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP2286 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978707 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP2286 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978708 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP2286 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978709 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with B8-12 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978710 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with B8-12 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978711 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with B8-12 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978712 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with L8 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978713 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with L8 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978714 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with L8 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978715 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with RS105 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978716 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with RS105 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978717 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with RS105 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978718 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with BXOR1 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978719 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with BXOR1 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978720 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with BXOR1 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978721 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP7331 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978722 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP7331 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978723 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP7331 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978724 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP7341 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978725 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP7341 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978726 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP7341 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978727 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP7342 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978728 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP7342 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoc) strains) SRX978729 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with CFBP7342 (rep. 3) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola exposure (PECO:0007249), soil environment exposure (PECO:0007049), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Wilkins et al. 2015 Front Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00536 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoo) strains) SRX997480 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with Xoo strain PXO99A with BLS256 Tal2a (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae exposure (PECO:0007257), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Hummel et al. 2017 Mol Plant Pathol. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12377 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoo) strains) SRX997481 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with Xoo strain PXO99A with BLS256 Tal2a (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae exposure (PECO:0007257), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Hummel et al. 2017 Mol Plant Pathol. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12377 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoo) strains) SRX997482 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with Xoo strain PXO99A with dTal280 (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae exposure (PECO:0007257), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Hummel et al. 2017 Mol Plant Pathol. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12377 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoo) strains) SRX997483 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with Xoo strain PXO99A with dTal280 (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae exposure (PECO:0007257), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Hummel et al. 2017 Mol Plant Pathol. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12377 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoo) strains) SRX997484 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with Xoo strain PXO99A with BLS256 Tal11b (rep. 1) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae exposure (PECO:0007257), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Hummel et al. 2017 Mol Plant Pathol. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12377 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (leaf after innoculation of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (Xoo) strains) SRX997485 leaf; 48 hours after inoculation with Xoo strain PXO99A with BLS256 Tal11b (rep. 2) leaf (PO:0025034) Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae exposure (PECO:0007257), growth chamber study (PECO:0007269) Hummel et al. 2017 Mol Plant Pathol. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12377 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101
      mRNA-Seq (whole tissue of above-ground seedling) SRX732153 whole tissue of above-ground seedling; 40 days after germination (rep. 1) shoot system (PO:0009006) Cheng et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.12952 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      mRNA-Seq (whole tissue of above-ground seedling) SRX732285 whole tissue of above-ground seedling; 40 days after germination (rep. 2) shoot system (PO:0009006) Cheng et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.12952 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      mRNA-Seq (whole tissue of above-ground seedling) SRX732286 whole tissue of above-ground seedling; 40 days after germination (rep. 3) shoot system (PO:0009006) Cheng et al. 2015 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.12952 mRNA-Seq PAIRED 100
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130830 shoot; control for high/low As(III) treatment shoot system (PO:0009006) control exposure (PECO:0001062), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 71
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130831 shoot; 6 hours after low As(III) treatment shoot system (PO:0009006) inorganic chemical exposure (PECO:0001004), sodium arsenite exposure (PECO: none), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 96
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130832 shoot; 6 hours after high As(III) treatment shoot system (PO:0009006) inorganic chemical exposure (PECO:0001004), sodium arsenite exposure (PECO: none), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 96
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130833 shoot; 24 hours after low As(III) treatment shoot system (PO:0009006) inorganic chemical exposure (PECO:0001004), sodium arsenite exposure (PECO: none), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 75
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130834 shoot; 24 hours after high As(III) treatment shoot system (PO:0009006) inorganic chemical exposure (PECO:0001004), sodium arsenite exposure (PECO: none), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 71
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130825 root; control for high/low As(III) treatment root (PO:0009005) control exposure (PECO:0001062), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 96
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130826 root; 6 hours after low As(III) treatment root (PO:0009005) inorganic chemical exposure (PECO:0001004), sodium arsenite exposure (PECO: none), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 75
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130827 root; 6 hours after high As(III) treatment root (PO:0009005) inorganic chemical exposure (PECO:0001004), sodium arsenite exposure (PECO: none), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 75
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130828 root; 24 hours after low As(III) treatment root (PO:0009005) inorganic chemical exposure (PECO:0001004), sodium arsenite exposure (PECO: none), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 75
      mRNA-Seq (shoot and root under arsenic stress) SRX130829 root; 24 hours after high As(III) treatment root (PO:0009005) inorganic chemical exposure (PECO:0001004), sodium arsenite exposure (PECO: none), Hoagland solution exposure (PECO:0007405), greenhouse study (PECO:0007248) Yu et al. 2012 New Phytol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04154.x mRNA-Seq PAIRED 96
      Strand-specific mRNA-seq (lamina joint) SRX348482 lamina joint of flag leaf flag leaf (PO:0020103), leaf lamina base (PO:0008019) field study (PECO:0007256) Wei et al. 2014 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1318131111 Strand-specific mRNA-seq SINGLE 50
      mRNA-Seq (anther) DRX014510 anther premeiotic 0.4-mm anther (PO:0009066) field study (PECO:0007256) Komiya et al. 2014 Plant J. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.12483 mRNA-Seq SINGLE 101